I used to watch his commentaries on WCCB Channel 18 in Charlotte (before it was a Fox affiliate) in the afternoons, and I used to think "...come on, man, get on with the show, Superman will be late to save Lois and Jimmy!" Later I wish I had paid more attention to a communications guru that obviously knew what he was doing and he knew that little kids had to grow out of Superman, Ultra Man and The Monkees reruns, and
someone should instill something into their pee brains other than 16mm reruns from the '50's and '60's. Bahekel (pictured above, left) died last Thursday at age 87 from a stroke.
And a good friend of mine, Jack Murphy, (Mornings on WKZL in Greensboro, pictured below) has been sued by some pee-brained convict who feels public knowledge of her record has ruined her business and Murphy is at fault. Geeze Louise. You can read all the dirt here and there, or, you can peruse through all the wonderful broadcasting concepts Murphy has created and/or is involved in
here, and his voice over stuff
here, he does a GREAT southern hick voice that is serious enough for sweepers!