Sunday, April 16, 2006


What a day, normally I spend Easter alone, listening to the radio or playing records, especially Sundays in general, a day all to myself, to get things done while the radio plays that the long work week does not allow. Today was different, but it was good. Dear friends of mine, Cora and Gary (Pictured with me in the middle), and Libby and Ron (Pictured below posing as such a mushy Canadian couple), invited me to Cora and Gary's Family soiree complete with a bevy of cooked animal flesh and sugar-filled deserts. My weight is where it should be now and it is my day to do what I want, so I divulged into the food I would normally avoid and never partake in. I am stuffed. Gluttony. One of the deadly sins. Aren't we all sinners anyway? Here's that mushy Canadian couple:
Upon entering my humble abode this afternoon I find a spider in the bathroom, THE GLUTTONY GODS HAVE CURSED ME!!! And today I read where they are recycling old cell phones and selling them cheap, didn't Bell Corp. do this with land-line phones 50 years ago? I miss the Princess Phone with the lighted rotary dial. Sigh.


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