Saturday, June 23, 2018

Classic Radio Broadcast Console

We have recently started refurbishing our "Model" Retro Studio on my AM station, and have gotten an Autogram IC-10 up and running. Still has a few small problems, but it is feeding audio to the transmitter and looks mighty fine.
This is the IC-10 version that was produced right after Collins & Rockwell was removed from the trade name on these boards, the one with the black remote-start buttons and the Collins parts inside. The version that came after this had white remote starts and Autogram VU meters. All three of these versions of this classic console were manufactured within a two-year span.
Our next installment will be the Denon CD Cart Players and a triple-decker cart machine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wellll.. I'm not sure when you posted this but thought I'd let you know I am trying to source the audio amplifiers for one of these.

The big "magicubes" as I call them.

Anybody out there rebuilding or offering tips on rebuilding them?

Jason R KGVL KIKT at gmail dot com
(just take out the spaces, use the @ thing.. )

1:58 PM  

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